Dear Parishioners
The Diocese of Orange has announced that we can begin celebrating public Mass on the solemnity of Corpus Christi, Sunday, June 14 (including Saturday June 13 Vigil Masses). In addition, the Bishop of Orange, Kevin W. Vann, extends a dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation until such time as it is deemed safe to have large gatherings at Mass.
Those over age 65 and/or in an at-risk health group or who do not feel comfortable attending a public gathering should stay home. Also, anyone who has a fever or temperature or who is sick or has been exposed to the coronavirus should refrain from attending Mass as it is an act of Christian charity to safeguard the health of others.
St. Mary’s by the Sea will be celebrating the Mass together as a community using social distancing, maximum capacity guidelines for attendance, and guidelines for sanitization set by Bishop Kevin Vann and the State of California, no exceptions. Additional Masses are being offered to attempt to accommodate everyone who desires to attend.
MAXIMUM CAPACITY IN THE CHURCH DURING MASS IS (30) PEOPLE. Everyone will sit 6 feet away from one another (unless you are attending the Sunday 4:30 pm Family Mass), with the exception of small children who will be allowed to sit with their parent. If all seats are filled, we will provide overflow seating for (20) additional people in Fr. Johnson Hall and in the Courtyard, where Mass will be viewed on a large screen.
Please plan to arrive no later than 15 minutes prior to the Mass. All households will line up at the Main Entrance of St. Mary’s by the Sea (following social distancing tape placed on the sidewalk). Ushers will be waiting at the steps to seat you and your household. Please use the single entry when entering and exiting the Church. For those who need to use the ramp to enter the church, an usher will be available to provide assistance.
All individuals attending Holy Mass at this time must wear masks, unless medically unable to do so. You will be allowed to remove it only when receiving Holy Communion. If you should forget to bring your mask, one will be provided for you.
Holy Water fonts will be empty, but you are encouraged to still make the sign of the cross.
The sign of peace and distribution of the Precious Blood is suspended. Instructions for receiving Holy Communion will be announced during each Mass. If you are uncomfortable receiving the Eucharist at this time, you are always welcome to remain in the pew and make a Spiritual Communion.
In accordance with the Bishop’s directives, there will be no singing by the congregation until otherwise noted. In addition, all missals, prayer cards or other paper resources are currently not available.
Hand sanitizer will be available to all people. Pews and high-contact areas will be thoroughly sanitized/cleaned in between Masses. Please follow the instructions at the end of the Mass.
A large container will be located at the Church entrance/exit doors to drop off collection envelopes and donations.
Our first consideration must be for the health and safety of our parishioners and those whom they will encounter. As Bishop Kevin Vann said on Friday, “We know that God is with us, but at the same time we have to be careful and make sure that we protect each other in this challenging time.”
We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we come together for the Holy Sacrifice with measures in place to minimize risks.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Quang Vinh Chu – Pastor
Temporary Schedule Effective June 13th
Daily Mass (Monday-Saturday): 8:00 am
Saturday Vigil Masses
4:30 pm (with music)
6:00 pm (no music)
Sunday Masses
7:30 am (with music)
9:30 am (with music – no choir)
11:30 am Latin Mass (no Schola)
1:30 pm Latin Mass (no Schola)
*4:30 pm Family Mass (no music
Confessions: Saturday 3:00-4:00 pm
*PLEASE NOTE: Families may sit in one pew next to each another at the
Sunday, 4:30 pm Family Mass ONLY.