Remembrance Mass
On Saturday, November 4th at the 8:00 am Mass, we will honor our dearly departed brothers and sisters who passed away from Nov. 2022 to Oct. 2023. If you have a loved one who’s funeral was held here during that time, please plan to attend the Mass. Their names will be displayed on a banner next to the Altar, and you will be given a special keepsake with their name on it. Remember to invite all your family and friends.
Baby Blanket Sewing Session
Come help us complete our goal of making 100 baby blankets at our final session of 2023 on November 11th at 9:00 am in Fr. Johnson Hall. A light breakfast will be provided. We’d love to have you attend, and no sewing experience is necessary!
Wheelchairs for Veterans
Our parish Knights of Columbus will be outside after each Mass Nov. 11 & 12 accepting donations for their “Wheelchairs for Veterans” campaign. For only $150, you can provide one wheelchair for a veteran. All donations are gratefully accepted. Last year, your donations provided 53 wheelchairs to deserving Veterans in Southern California. Please stop by their table and donate to this worthwhile cause. Checks should be made out to American Wheelchair Mission.
Food Distribution
Our St. Vincent de Paul Society has re-opened the food bank, which has been closed since Covid. Now, every Thursday, from 4:00-5:30pm, they will be handing out food for the needy in the parking lot at the large bin.
Parish Mission
Please mark your calendar to attend our Parish Mission on Saturday, Nov. 18th. Our guest speaker will be Fr. Pascal Nguyen, O.Praem, the pastor from St. John the Baptist Church. It will begin at 12:30 pm with lunch and an inspiring talk. There will also be confessions, adoration, and faith sharing, concluding with Mass at 5:00 pm. There are sign up sheets in the Vestibule of the Church to complete and return to the Office or the collection basket. You can also use the form attached to this notice. PLEASE SIGN UP
Pennies From Heaven
This is the last Sunday where you can give to the “Pennies From Heaven” collection. This is where we asked you to bring in all of your loose change (and bills) to support several Orange County pro-life organizations. Please put your donation in the container near the church doors marked “Pennies From Heaven.” You can also bring your donations to the Church office Monday through Thursday