How the Knights of Columbus at St. Mary’s by the Sea
Help our parish and our community.
- Provide flowers for the church for Christmas and Easter
- Sponsor our Pastor for the Knights Annual Clergy Appreciation Dinner
- Donate $500 to the parish general fund
- Provide drinks for the parish St. Patrick’s Event
- Donate $500 toward the parish Christmas Party
- Provide drinks for the parish picnic
- Donate $800 for pro-life centers
- Raise over $5,000 for scholarships for children with special needs.
- Sponsor two $500 religious scholarships
- Raise almost $8,000 to provide 53 wheelchairs for veterans in southern California.
. We invite men of the parish to attend our next meeting on Thursday, March 9th in the parish hall.
Pizza and soda at 6:45 pm, meeting to follow. Join us as we help our parish and our community.