2018 Pastoral Services Appeal (PSA)
2018 Pastoral Services Appeal (PSA)
“We Are One” – Our parish goal for the 2018 Pastoral Services Appeal is for at least 674 of our families to pledge $75,000 to support Faith Formation, Outreach Ministries, Clergy Formation and Support and parish and diocesan advancement. Gifts made over $37,000 (our 2018 diocesan goal) will come straight back to us and go towards the completion of our own parish projects. The PSA provides a convenient way for all of us, no matter what our time limitations, to take an active role in the mission of the church. As a guide to a proportionate gift, please consier pledging a percent of your income, or the pay you receive for one or two hours of work each month for ten months. You can submit your PSA Pledge Envelope at the regular collection during Mass, return it to the Parish Office, or go online at www.oc-foundation.org.