December Events 2022
Christmas Crib
Beginning next weekend and continuing through the month of December, we will be accepting baby gifts for our local crisis pregnancy center. Please consider a Christmas gift for these precious babies. Items will be used in various programs to help young mothers who have chosen life for their babies. A crib will be in Fr. Johnson Hall during the month of December for this collection. If you prefer, a monetary donation in an envelope marked “Christmas Crib” would also be helpful.
Local Penance Services
(All at 7:00 pm)
Monday, Nov. 28 St. Vincent de Paul
Tuesday, Nov. 29 St. Bonaventure
Tuesday, Dec. 6 Sts. Simon & Jude
Monday, Dec. 12 *St. Mary’s by the Sea
Wednesday, Dec. 14 St. Joachim
Wednesday, Dec. 14 Holy Spirit
Wednesday, Dec. 21 St. John the Baptist
*Please note: SMBTS will not have Confession on Saturday, Dec. 17, 24, and 31.