December News
Advent Penance Service Schedule
Monday, Dec. 10 at 7pm: Holy Spirit
Tuesday, Dec. 11 at 7pm: Holy Spirit
Tuesday, Dec. 11 at 7pm: St. Bonaventure
Monday, Dec. 17 at 7pm: St. Mary’s by the Sea
Tuesday, Dec. 18 at 7pm: St. Joachim
Thursday, Dec. 20 at 7pm: St. John the Baptist
Thursday, Dec. 20 at 7pm: Sts. Simon and Jude
Poinsettias for Sale
The Knights of Columbus will be selling Poinsettias again this year after all the Masses on Dec. 15th & 16th. Each Poinsettia is beautifully wrapped in foil and is only $10. Plants can be taken home or donated to the Church to decorate the Altar and dedicated “in loving memory of” or “in honor of” if you so desire.
Christmas Concert in the Church & Parish Christmas Party
December 9th at 5:00 pm
Join us for a Christmas Concert in the Church as we celebrate that God is with us.
Afterwards, everyone is invited to the Parish Christmas Party in Fr. Johnson Hall,
sponsored by St. Mary’s by the Sea ministries