December News
Advent Penance Service Schedule
Monday, Dec. 12 at 7pm: St. Mary’s by the Sea
Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 7pm: St. Bonaventure
Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 7pm: Holy Spirit
Wednesday, Dec. 14 at 7pm: Holy Spirit
Wednesday, Dec. 14 at 7pm: St. Joachim
Friday, Dec. 16 at 7pm: Sts. Simon and Jude
Thursday, Dec. 22 at 7pm: St. John the Baptist
Penance Service & *Confessions & Mass Times
Monday, Dec. 12th – Penance Service: 7:00 pm
Saturday, Dec. 17th – Confessions: 3:00-4:30 pm
Christmas Vigil December 24th
Family Vigil Mass: 5:00 pm
Christmas December 25th
Midnight Mass: 12:00 am
7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 am – English
12:00 noon – Latin Tridentine Mass
The Solemnity of Mary, The Mother of God
December 31st: 5:00 pm Vigil Mass
Jan. 1, 2017: 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 am – English
12:00 noon – Latin Tridentine Mass
*(There will be NO Confessions on Saturday
The St. Vincent de Paul Society Annual Fundraiser – Next Weekend
The St. Vincent de Paul Society will have their annual fundraiser next weekend, Dec. 17-18 at all the Masses. People will be asked to come up and put their donations in a basket during Mass. Your continued generosity is appreciated. A $25 donation will provide one Christmas basket for a needy family. Thank you and may God bless your kindness!
Poinsettias for Sale
The Knights of Columbus will be selling Poinsettias again this year after all the Masses this weekend and Dec. 17th & 18th. Each Poinsettia is beautifully wrapped in foil and is only $10. Plants can be taken home or donated to the Church to decorate the Altar and dedicated “in loving memory of” or “in honor of” if you so desire.
If you would like to donate Poinsettias for the Church, please bring them to the office by Dec. 22nd.
Christmas Crib
Through the month of December, we will be accepting baby gifts for our local crisis pregnancy center. Please consider a Christmas gift for these precious babies. Items will be used in various programs to help young mothers who have chosen life for their babies. A crib will be in Fr. Johnson Hall during the month of December for this collection. If you prefer, a monetary donation in an envelope marked “Christmas Crib” would also be helpful