Youth Essay Contest
Knights of Columbus Sponsors Youth Essay Contest
All Catholic students in public, private and parochial schools grades 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, are invited to participate in the 2017-2018 Knights of Columbus Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest.
Students are encouraged to write a 500 to 750 word essay on the theme of: “Going to the Peripheries.” Pope Francis talks about the need for the church, that is for all of us, to go to what Pope Francis calls the peripheries, the margins – those living in poverty, the homeless, the disabled and those who feel overlooked and marginalized. Discuss the role of the Catholic Church in going to the peripheries, then select one of the following ideas to complete your essay:
a) Describe the work of one widely known current Catholic who went to the periphery.
b) Describe the work of one widely known historical Catholic who went to the periphery.
c) Describe the work of one person in your life, who helps alleviate human suffering.
Essays must be turned into the parish office by November 10, 2017. The winner in each grade will receive a $25 gift certificate.
The local contest will be hosted by St. Mary’s Council 14699. All contestants on the local level are recognized for their participation in the contest. Participants are required to furnish written parental consent. For entry forms and additional information visit our website: