Events 2023
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary A Holy Day of Obligation – August 15th
At the end of her earthly life, the Blessed Virgin Mary, forever unstained by sin, was brought body and soul to heaven. Since it was through her that God’s Son was born and since her Son brought redemption to the whole world, we can assume that our Blessed Mother was taken summarily to heaven to be reunited with her beloved Son. Mass times will be as follows:
Mon., 8/14: 5:30 pm Vigil Mass
Tues., 8/15: 8:00 am / 12:10 pm / 5:30 pm &
7:00 pm Latin Mass
Sacred Heart Retreats
The new retreat season for Sacred Heart Retreat House in Alhambra, Ca. will be getting underway in a few weeks, beginning with their Silent Men’s Retreat from August 18-20. Registration for retreats from August through mid-November is now open. You will find Classic Silent Women’s Retreats (the first one September 8-10), their Carmelite Spirituality Retreat, and a Made for Greater Retreat.
For more information and to register, please call (626) 289-1353, x-2203 or you can visit them at
RCIA Program for Adults
St. Mary’s by the Sea will offer classes for adults who would like to become a practicing Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. This program is also for Catholics who have not yet received First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation. You can come and prepare to receive these Sacraments in one year at the Easter Vigil. And of course, all Catholics are also welcome to join us as a refresher course. Classes will be held on Monday evenings from 7:00-8:15pm beginning September 25, 2023.
To register online, go to
Eucharistic Revival
“I AM” — the revelation of God’s name to Moses. Sign up to attend the upcoming Eucharistic Congress at Christ Cathedral this October 20-21. Our Diocese will host this free 2-day event to invite people to gather in anticipation of the nearness of God through powerful speakers, transformative prayer, and Sacramental celebrations. Registration is free, and St. Mary’s by the Sea will have a bus to take all our parishioners who want to attend the Saturday, October 21st events. Register now at
Corpus Christi Procession June 11th at 1:00 pm
Corpus Christi Procession June 11th at 1:00 pm … Continue reading →
Pancake Breakfast June 11th
Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a pancake breakfast June 11th … Continue reading →
June Events
Adoration of the Most Sacred Heart Throughout history, the human race has committed an innumerable number of sins against the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. So let us begin to atone for some of these offenses at Adoration during 12-Hour … Continue reading →
Knights of Columbus Charities
Knights of Columbus Council 14699 St. Mary’s by the Sea
Jim Rahm presents a check to Debra Tous of Horizon Pregnancy Center in Huntington Beach.
The Knights of Columbus would like to thank our parishioners for their generosity during our Easter Lily sales. All of the proceeds were donated to the Pro-Life Horizon Pregnancy Center of Huntington Beach. The Center saved over 180 babies last year and provides free ultrasounds and support to women in need.
Brian Gallogly, Special Needs Chairman and Council Treasurer Jim Rahm present a $3,400 check to Donna Brandt of the
Therapeutic Riding Center of Huntington Beach. Thanks to our parishioners who supported our Special Needs Campaign.
All of the proceeds were donated to help Special Needs Children. The riding center strives to empower children
with intellectual and developmental challenges to discover their greatest strengths and gain a sense of self-confidence
and self-reliance through the special relationship with a horse.
Fundraiser for Children with Special Needs
The Knights of Columbus of St. Mary’s by the Sea are conducting their annual campaign to benefit children and adults with special needs. All of the money collected stays in Huntington Beach and supports the Therapeutic Riding Center in … Continue reading →
Easter Parish Events
Decorating for Easter
We like our Church to be particularly beautiful at this special time of the year. If you would like to help with the decorations, please plan to bring lilies and tulips to the rectory by April 6th.
In addition, if you would like to help us decorate the Church for Easter, then please be here on Holy Saturday, April 8th, after the Morning Prayer Service
Easter Lily Sale
The Knights of Columbus will be selling Easter Lilies after all the Masses April 1 and 2. Each Lily is beautifully wrapped and only $15 each or two for $25. The plants may be taken home or donated to the Church to decorate the Altar and dedicated to a loved one if you so desire. All proceeds are dedicated for religious scholarships for the Norbertines and the Brothers of St. Patrick. You may also make a donation to our Religious Vocations Fund.
Please make checks out to K of C Council 14699. Thank you.
Triduum and Easter Schedule
Holy Thursday, April 6
8:00 am – Morning Prayer Service Only
7:00 pm – Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Adoration before the Altar of Repose
– After Mass (in the Hall) until 8:00 am on Good Friday
Good Friday Services, April 7
(Fast & Abstinence)
8:00 am – Morning Prayer Service Only
12:00 pm – Stations of the Cross
3:00 pm – Divine Mercy Novena then
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion (with Holy Communion)
Holy Saturday, April 8
8:00 am – Morning Prayer Service Only
8:00 pm – Easter Vigil Mass
Easter Sunday, April 9
7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am- English Masses
12:00 noon – Latin Mass
*PLEASE NOTE: There will be no Confessions heard on Saturday, April 8, 2023
Adoration Schedule During Holy Week – Holy Thursday: NO Adoration during the day.
Instead, just after the 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper, we will have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament set up in Fr. Johnson Hall and will continue it throughout the night until 8am the following day.’We would like you to recall our Lord’s agony in the Garden of Gethsemane and His rebuke to His disciples: “What? Could you not watch one hour with me?” Please make arrangements to spend an hour with Our Lord, and use the board at the back of the Church to sign-up.
– First Friday: April 7 – Since this is also Good Friday, there will be NO usual 12-hour Adoration.
Pontifical Good Friday Collection
Pope Francis has asked our parish to support the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, which helps Christians in the Holy Land. Your support helps the Church minister in parishes, provide Catholic schools and offer religious education. This collection also helps to preserve the sacred shrines. The wars, unrest and instability have been especially hard on Christians. In these times of crisis, the Good Friday Collection provides humanitarian aid to refugees. When you contribute, you become an instrument of peace.
PLEASE BE GENEROUS! For more information about Christians in the Holy Land, visit
Easter Food Basket Sign-Ups
We are accepting sign-ups for our Easter food baskets for the needy. Please contact the Office (714-536-6913, x-0) with your name and phone number before the pick-up date, which is this Wednesday, April 5th, from 4:00-5:30 pm only. You must be present to pick up your food.
Baby Blankets Delivery
Our Lady’s Comforters will be delivering baby blankets to pregnancy centers on Monday, April 10th. There will be more details as to the time and place in next week’s bulletin. We would love to have you join us!!!
How the Knights of Columbus Help Our Parish
How the Knights of Columbus at St. Mary’s by the Sea
Help our parish and our community.
- Provide flowers for the church for Christmas and Easter
- Sponsor our Pastor for the Knights Annual Clergy Appreciation Dinner
- Donate $500 to the parish general fund
- Provide drinks for the parish St. Patrick’s Event
- Donate $500 toward the parish Christmas Party
- Provide drinks for the parish picnic
- Donate $800 for pro-life centers
- Raise over $5,000 for scholarships for children with special needs.
- Sponsor two $500 religious scholarships
- Raise almost $8,000 to provide 53 wheelchairs for veterans in southern California.
. We invite men of the parish to attend our next meeting on Thursday, March 9th in the parish hall.
Pizza and soda at 6:45 pm, meeting to follow. Join us as we help our parish and our community.
February News
Our Lady’s Comforters
Our Lady’s Comforters was founded in 2009 to gather parishioners together and make baby blankets for women and babies in difficult situations. In honor of St. Mary’s by the Sea’s Centennial Celebration, we have set the goal of sewing 100 baby blankets by the end of this year, which will be donated to the pro-life centers listed below. In order to reach this ambitious target, we need your financial support. On January 28-29 and February 4-5, we will be collecting donations outside the Church after each Mass. Please be as generous as possible to help us to meet this goal.
Our first actual sewing session will be on Saturday, February 18 from 9am to 12pm. Everyone is invited to participate, and NO sewing experience is necessary!
The blankets will be donated to:
– Horizon Pregnancy Center in Huntington Beach
– Life Center in Santa Ana
– Children’s Hospital of Orange County
– His Nesting Place in Long Beach
Saturday, February 25, noon-6pm.
Join our community and presenter, Fr. Minh Q. Do, for lunch fellowship prior to presentations on THE EUCHARIST. There will be time for reflection, Q&A, Confessions—and the day will conclude with a Mass of thanksgiving at 5pm. Please be sure to prioritize this event and mark your calendar.
Monday, February 6, 5:30pm-6:30pm
At our Marian Shrine towards the back of our church, we will hold the final of the three part Marian Series. Please bring a folding chair and enjoy a relaxed hour of prayer and praise. We will delve deeper into Marian’s apparitions focusing also on the adolescent Jesus that she beholds