Dear Parishioners,
I hope you are well and safe during this time of crisis!
Since our Church reopened, I can see that there is about one-third of our parishioners returning to Church. Another two-thirds are still staying-at-home for safety. It is wonderful to see you in-person and I miss those who are unable to return to Church at this time. Whatever it maybe, we are one together in spirit and we pray for one another.
Just to let you know that because of the low attendance ator the 6:00 pm Sunday Mass, with the consultant of Staff and Pastoral Council, I decided to cancel the 6:00pm Sunday Mass beginning July 5, 2020. I apology for any inconvenience!
This weekend, we celebrate the July 4th Independence Day. Please remember our ancestors and those who are in uniform (living and deceased) in your prayers. Especially pray for peace, justice, and unity in our Country. On First Friday, July 3rd, at 3:00pm, I will expose the Blessed Sacrament for Adoration and Benediction to pray for our Country. Please join us if you can to pray for peace and justice wherever it maybe. Please take time to pray and ask the Lord for healing and to restore our life, our country, and to overcome the virus soon so we can come back to normal life. Jesus calmed the winds and the sea when His disciples were faced with a violent storm. He will calm the storm of our life and our society if we come to Him and beg Him for help.
Please continue to stand firm in your faith and belief! Be not afraid! Do not settle for feeling overwhelmed or frustrated! Instead, let the Lord go before you always, come follow Him and He will give you rest.
God bless you always and God bless the United States of America!
Happy Independence Day! Happy 4th of July!
Sincerely yours,
Rev. Quang Vinh Chu, Pastor