Third Week of Easter Reflection
Dear Parishioners,
During this 3rd week of Easter Season, we are continuing our journey of hope. Yes, our misery is almost toward the end of a tunnel. The light of our lives will be bright again. As you know many states are slowly reopening their businesses and getting back to normal life again. It is the hope that we are looking for.
When we come back to our normal life, what can we give to God? Look at a brief recap of a 62-year-old man who just recovered from COVID-19. He said “I am surely going to be more spiritual as this has made me appreciate all of the prayers and how much God loves us…. I will be more patient and forgiving and will not worry about the small stuff…. I will tell my family I love them every day (I had gotten out of this habit long ago). I will thank God every day for bringing my wife and children into my life…. Sometimes it takes a dramatic event like what I experienced to remind us of what’s most important: God, family, and friends.” (OC Register, Thursday April 23, 2020; p. 10).
Yes, we have experienced that God is never absent. He never abandoned us. He is always walking with us. He is always in our midst. He loves each one of us passionately. He wants all of us to be saved and come to know the truth about Him. Through this pandemic, we know that we need God, we need each other and we need the Church.
Let us continue to love and support each other. Let us continue to recognize God’s gift in our daily life. Let our hearts respond with praise and thanks to the Lord who loved not only us but the whole world!
May the blessing of our Risen Lord be with you always!
Stay cool and be happy!
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Reverend Quang Vinh Chu, Pastor