Back In Church
Dear Parishioners,
It is with a thankful heart I inform you that ALL Masses are now being held inside the Church; thanks be to God! Please note that all previous safety protocols will still be observed (ie: 25% capacity, must wear masks, 6’ social distancing, disinfecting of pews after use, etc.). Thank you for your compliance.
In addition, I would like to mention that this weekend, February 13th (after the 5pm Mass) & 14th (after ALL the Masses), we will be holding a Mini-Ministry Fair – Mardi Gras themed. The purpose of this is to provide the opportunity for more participation from parishioners in serving the Lord by serving His people. Many of you may not be aware of the number of ministries here who are quietly at work in the background. There are many things a person can become involved with in the parish, and many of them don’t require a lot of time. All of our ministries will have a table set-up with a representative on hand to describe their activities and to answer any questions you may have. Some ministries, however, may not be active currently, but we hope they will be back to regular activities soon.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Rev. Quang Vinh Chu, Pastor