Happy Mother’s Day
Dear Parishioners,
Happy Mother’s Day!
Thank you for your calls and emails and to let us know that you are doing fine! I am doing fine too! May God bless us all!
We are hoping that the light at the end of the tunnel will be bright soon. Each state will gradually reopen businesses and start to come back to normal. Some leaders are slow to reopen because of “fear.” What does it mean “essential or non-essential”? How about “Spiritual food”, is it essential for Christian lives? Are we afraid if God is for us? How easy it can be to let our hearts be “troubled” because of wars, famine, virus, fear, etc. Many things can concern us, but in the midst of it all, Jesus tells us to have faith in Him and not let all the bad news overshadow our joy and trust in Him.
Jesus also reminds us that He is the Good Shepherd and Sheep Gate. He knows each of us and we recognize His voice. Think about how much He cares for you. He is always mindful of you. He never leaves you defenseless before the predators of temptation or guilt or condemnation or pandemic.
Jesus says: I know you; I know your strengths and your weaknesses, your hopes, and your fears. I know what you believe and what you are not ready to believe. So, trust in Him, and do not worry about getting everything right. Just do the best you can while we are waiting for the “stay at home” order to be lifted. Let us put ourselves into God’s hands and trust in Him because the Lord is our Good Shepherd and Gate Keeper!
May Jesus protect you and keep you safe from all harm!
Best wishes to all and I hope to see you soon!
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Reverend Quang Vinh Chu, Pastor