Category Archives: Parish Events
December Events
Christmas Crib
Beginning this weekend and continuing through the month of December, we will be accepting baby gifts for our local crisis pregnancy center. Please consider a Christmas gift for these precious babies. Items will be used in various programs to help young mothers who have chosen life for their babies. A crib will be in Fr. Johnson Hall during the month of December for this collection. If you prefer, a monetary donation in an envelope marked “Christmas Crib” would also be helpful.
Breakfast with St. Nicholas – Dec. 10th
After the 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 am Masses
Learn about St. Nicholas, make a craft, and enjoy a continental breakfast. Adults are welcome too.
Christmas Program in the Church
& Parish Party December 10th at 5:00 pm
Join us for our Annual Christmas Program in the Church as we celebrate that God is with us.
Afterwards, everyone is invited to the Parish Christmas Party in Fr. Johnson Hall, sponsored by St. Mary’s by the Sea ministries.
Watch Football in the Parish Hall
Pilgrim Virgin Statue Procession
Oktoberfest October 28th
Youth Essay Contest
Knights of Columbus Sponsors Youth Essay Contest
All Catholic students in public, private and parochial schools grades 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, are invited to participate in the 2017-2018 Knights of Columbus Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest.
Students are encouraged to write a 500 to 750 word essay on the theme of: “Going to the Peripheries.” Pope Francis talks about the need for the church, that is for all of us, to go to what Pope Francis calls the peripheries, the margins – those living in poverty, the homeless, the disabled and those who feel overlooked and marginalized. Discuss the role of the Catholic Church in going to the peripheries, then select one of the following ideas to complete your essay:
a) Describe the work of one widely known current Catholic who went to the periphery.
b) Describe the work of one widely known historical Catholic who went to the periphery.
c) Describe the work of one person in your life, who helps alleviate human suffering.
Essays must be turned into the parish office by November 10, 2017. The winner in each grade will receive a $25 gift certificate.
The local contest will be hosted by St. Mary’s Council 14699. All contestants on the local level are recognized for their participation in the contest. Participants are required to furnish written parental consent. For entry forms and additional information visit our website:
Legacy Project September 26 and 28
Legacy Project – You’re Invited!
(Response Requested by 9/25/2017)
Father Quang cordially invites all St. Mary by the Sea parishioners, friends and family to attend one of the receptions listed below to learn more about the exciting St. Mary’s by the Sea Legacy Project:
Tuesday, September 26th at 7:00 pm
Thursday, September 28th at 7:00 pm
Wednesday, October 4th at 7:00 pm
Father will be accompanied by Father Pascal, Deacon Tom and the Legacy Project Committee. Light refreshments will be served and there will be plenty of time for Questions and Answers. Please R.S.V.P. by calling the Rectory Office at (714) 536-6913, x-107, and leave your name, number of persons, and which reception you will be attending on or before Monday, September 25th.
Parish News September
Sunday Lectionary Scripture Study
Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the Hall
Biblical Study related to the Scripture passages of the Sunday Lectionary Readings: Focusing on the Liturgy of the Word for the following Sunday, you will explore the inspired Word of God to see how God speaks to us in the various passages of the Bible.
Bring a New American Standard Study Bible if you have one. If you’d like to get on the email list for the weekly distribution of the basic materials, please contact Deacon Tom at If you can’t commit to the weekly gathering, check out the following websites for your personal Prayer, Study and Reflection: The website for the related Scripture passages commentaries can be found at
Parish Faith Formation
Children’s C.C.D. Classes Will Start the Week of September 10th
On Saturday, September 9th at 9:30 am, there is a meeting for parents (only) that are planning to enroll their children in Levels 1, 3/4, and 5/6. Level 2 parents (for children who attended last year’s 1st Level) should also attend the Saturday meeting.
On Sunday, September 10th, the student and parents in the 2nd year Confirmation class are asked to attend a meeting (in lieu of class) at 2:00 pm.
RCIA (Adult Religious Education)
This class is for adults who would like to become a practicing Catholic and receive the sacrament of Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. In this way, you will learn and understand the fundamentals of the Catholic Church. Classes begin on Monday, September 18th at 7:00 pm, and run through the end of March.
This class is also open for those of you who are already Catholic, but would like a refresher course. Take advantage of this opportunity to get re-grounded in what our Catholic Church and Faith is all about.
Registrations are being accepted for all CCD classes and RCIA.
Please sign-up in the Parish Office during the weekday (Mon.-Fri., 9am-12pm & 1-5pm).
A Birthday Gift for Our Lady
As a birthday present for your spiritual mother, present her with the best possible gift – adoration of her Son. Fortunately, you can do so easily by attending our 24-hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament beginning this Friday, September 1, after the 8am Mass and concluding Saturday, September 2, before the start of the 8am Mass.
Thank you to all who have committed themselves to First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Without your commitment, this program would not be possible.
Spiritual Education Opportunities
The Institute for Pastoral Ministry (IPM) will be kicking off their Fall Schedule in September. Courses being offered include the following:
- Old Testament: Overview of the Literature of the Hebrew Scriptures – (10) Mondays from 9/11 to 11/13/17
- Foundational Theology: Basic issues and first questions of Theology (the study of God) – (9) Wednesdays from 9/13 to 11/15/17
- Luther: Martin Luther’s life and teachings and the Catholic response – (9) Wednesdays from 9/13 to 11/15/17 (Our own Deacon Tom will be taking this course.)
See the IPM website at for online registration. Early registration cost is $60 and classes will be held at the Cathedral Pastoral Center in Garden Grove.
Parish Picnic August 19
Parish Events July
Sunday Lectionary Scripture Study
Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the Hall
Biblical Study related to the Scripture passages of the Sunday Lectionary Readings: Focusing on the Liturgy of the Word for the following Sunday, you will explore the inspired Word of God to see how God speaks to us in the various passages of the Bible.
Bring a New American Standard Study Bible if you have one. If you’d like to get on the email list for the weekly distribution of the basic materials, please contact Deacon Tom at If you can’t commit to the weekly gathering, check out the following websites for your personal Prayer, Study and Reflection: The website for the related Scripture passages commentaries can be found at
Catholic Resources
We would like to remind everyone of the circular rack at the back of the Church with various pamphlets in it that you can take home. Another resource is our Lending Library available to all located in Fr. Johnson Hall. It contains many Catholic approved books. And lastly, we invite you to visit our website at, as well as our Facebook page at
Women’s Fall Retreat
Six ladies from our parish have registered for our fall retreat at Sacred Heart Retreat House on Sept. 15-17, 2017. If you have not sent your registration and payment (Check or Credit Card) to Ann, please do so as soon as possible to guarantee yourself a room. A Norbertine priest will be our Retreat Master! Thank you. God bless you. Questions? Call Ann (714) 856 0997.
Eucharistic Adoration & Exposition
St. Mary’s by the Sea opens the Church for Eucharistic Adoration every Monday through Friday from 1:00 to 4:30 pm. On Thursdays, the Divine Mercy Chaplet will be recited at 3 pm and we will have Eucharistic Exposition (where the Blessed Sacrament is displayed outside the tabernacle in the monstrance for adoration by the faithful) from 3:00 to 7:30 pm, closing with Benediction (praying the rosary and receiving a blessing with the Host) at 7:30 pm.