Ministry Fair Sunday, February 26th
After all the morning Masses
Light breakfast including traditional King Cake will be served
Save the date for our “Ministry Fair” at St. Mary’s by the Sea. The purpose of this Fair is to provide the opportunity for more participation from parishioners in serving the Lord by serving His people. In other words – Stewardship. Stewardship is our response to God’s generosity. A steward is someone who takes care of what belongs to someone else, like an administrator or trustee – not an owner. Christian stewards recognize that everything really belongs to God and that God will hold us accountable for how we use the many gifts He has entrusted to our care. If we truly believe this, we can’t help but respond with profound gratitude. There are many things a person can become involved with in the parish, and many of them don’t require a lot of time. Please consider the gift.
2017 Pastoral Services Appeal (PSA)
“Proud To Be Catholic – Know, Love, Serve”
One of the most exceptional parts of belonging to St. Mary’s by the Sea is knowing that we are part of something much greater than any one person. Our Church connects us all – as neighbors, as a community, as children of God and followers of Christ. From faith formation to outreach in the community, to social and community activities, our parish is alive in the spirit.
This week, all registered parishioners will be receiving information by mail on the 2017 Pastoral Services Appeal (PSA). The PSA helps to support the ministries of our Diocesan Church in all of our parishes and centers, and helps to strengthen the bonds of communion and family in our local parish, as well. It also gives each parish the opportunity to raise significant capital funds by earning rebates over our own individual diocesan goal. We are only asked once a year to make this special pledge. The Parish Finance Council has recommended, and our Pastor has approved, a 2017 parish goal of $95,000 with pledges from 645 of our families. Once our diocesan goal of $35,000 is paid, all additional gifts will be returned to the parish in the form of a rebate to complete our parish projects. These include a fire sprinkler system for the church, insulation, and a new wood ceiling. Think of how much an impact these funds can make.
It is important you listen to your heart and prayerfully discern how God wants you to use the gifts He has entrusted to your care. You may make your pledge by using the special envelope you receive, or you may go online at There are also extra pledge envelopes in the pew racks. Your pledge may be paid all at one time, quarterly or spread out over a ten month period. See the Giving Guide we have shown below. However, any gift you can give will be appreciated. Every pledge is important and no monthly pledge is too small.
Together, we can reach this extraordinary goal!
St. Patrick Day Dinner
SAVE THE DATE: Sat. March 18th 5:00-7:30pm
Come dine with us and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day (since St. Patrick’s Day is on Friday during Lent, we’ll do it on Saturday so we can have the corned beef, with an Authentic Irish Meal!) So, bring the family for raffle prizes, Irish music, food and desserts, too.
Lectionary Scripture Study Group
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:45 pm in Fr. Johnson Hall
Just a reminder that St. Mary’s by the Sea has a Scriptural Reflection Study Group that meets every Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm. Deacon Thomas Concitis facilitates the class on the upcoming Sunday Lectionary readings. There is no cost to attend, and everyone is welcome. Bring your bible, preferably the New American translation as it is used for the readings at Mass and/or get on the email list for weekly distribution of the basic materials.