Dear Parishioners,
First and foremost, thanks be to God for His blessings and grace, and thanks to all of you for praying and comforting each other with love and compassion. I am doing fine, and I wish you well! We have not seen many of you for months and miss you dearly!
I would like to provide you with some updated information:
- Thank you to our staff members and to the many of you who have supported Ms. Linda Gilbert’s family. She was a member of our staff who suddenly passed away last month! Linda served our parish as the Director of Religious Education for over 28 years and will be greatly missed.
- I believe that many of you still remember Mrs. Suzanne Donnelly, who was one of our parish secretaries for more than 21 years. She retired 6 years ago and just passed away last Monday. Please pray for her soul and her family. Her funeral will be held here on Saturday, September 5, 2020 at 10:30am.
- Some good news, we have hired Sr. Catherine Nguyen, LHC (The Lovers of the Holy Cross Sisters) as a part-time DRE (Director of Religious Education) to coordinate our Faith Formation Program. We are continuing our religious program as usual and will resume classes in-person beginning September 28, 2020. Please see our parish weekly bulletin for further information and register as soon as possible. Thank you!
- I would also like to inform you that our weekly offertory has been up and down (unstable). This is most likely due to a drop in attendance since about 80% of our parishioners are not yet ready to come back to church. Please keep St. Mary’s by the Sea in your prayers and continue to support our parish as much as you can with electronic donations (online), by mail, or you can drop off them off at the office. Thank you for your support and prayers!
- Following the virus curve and directives from the State and County, we are still on level 4 and holding Masses outdoors until further notice.
- Beginning on September 5, 2020, our Mass schedule will be changed:
- Weekly Masses are still the same schedule at 8:00am.
- Saturday evening (Vigil Mass) will be at 5:00pm (only one Mass).
- Sunday Masses: 7:30am and 9:30am are in English, 11:30am is in Latin (no 1:30pm), and 4:30pm is in English.
- Notice: No music at all Masses.
I wish you well and pray that you remain safe and in good health. Please continue to pray for peace, justice, and unity for our country, and especially pray for overcoming this invisible virus so we may return to a normal life soon. Thank you and God bless you always!
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Rev. Quang Vinh Chu, Pastor